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Seeds of Change Belize started out as a group of friends who wanted to make good use of their time. It started out with a project that was referred to as the ‘Christmas Food Drive’ in 2015. This was an event in which food was made and delivered to needy homes around the community during the Christmas Season. The joy that came along with giving pushed the group to do this again the following year, this time bigger. On December 24th 2016, the second Christmas Food Drive was held, whereby 100 plates of food were delivered to needy families in the Orange Walk Community, along with toys for kids. It was around this event when the thought came to make the group official. Seeds of Change Belize was inaugurated on January 6th. On this day, the first official meeting was held, at which there was a total of twelve members. It was during this meeting that the group started gathering their thoughts and ideas about what types of projects they intended to undergo as part of the plan to make a change in the community.


"It is clear that Seeds of Change doesn’t solely find it important to give back and uplift their community but also to develop themselves to become better citizens, citizens who will help
to build Belize into a fruitful nation one seed at a time."

- The National Youth Council of Belize

Our Story

To be involved in community clean up campaigns.


To assist the Belizean community wholeheartedly.

To raise awareness of social issues in Belize.


To provide the members with a sense of belonging, while allowing them to grow holistically.


To promote equality, and reduce inequalities.

Our Goals

SCB & The SDG's

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